Tuesday, June 10, 2008

question #3 final exam

Renewable energy means using natural factors such as wind or solar effectively. Nonrenewable energy means using natural factors like oil or and nuclear supplies that can not be used again. Energy is changed from one form to another, and can't created or destroyed (law of conservation of energy). From 1961 to 2001 the world consumption of nonrenewable resources has increased over 700 percent. Due to this the earth can't filter out the carbon emissions as fast so it is destroying the ozone layer. When it comes to renewable resources the united states wastes the most, using more than 29% of the world's annual output.
Based on public or common good, i know we need to find an alternate for fossil fuels or else the ozone layer will be gone. According to what i've heard that we have enough oil in Alaska to last for three years, so we can use that time to create an alternate fuel. arguement against it would be what happens if not enough renewable resources are made what will we use for gas?

1: www.thenews.com.pk/print1.asp?id=100210 3/8/2008
2: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_of_energy

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